Saturday, December 18, 2010

Natural Flavor

We have been getting the best tiny bay scallops at the market lately. I have been baking them in organic butter, organic lemon juice, organic pecans (chopped), organic panko, and salt and pepper. Here is the dish, ready to set on the table.

So the natural flavor of this is just this: the scallops, the butter, the lemon, the pecans, the panko and the salt and pepper. These are the foods and these are the flavors. I am beginning to think that reading ingredients is either a very good thing or a very bad thing. It is bad if you do not want to take on cooking everything from scratch and you care about what you are putting in your body. And it is a good thing if you care about what you are putting in your body and you are willing to see the disaster that our prepared foods have become. And are willing to start cooking everything from scratch.

The scallops are delicious, flavorful and perfect served with a nice green salad, some steamed broccoli, and some rice. Nothing added.

I read recently a quote, "Tell the truth even if it makes your voice shake". The actual quote by Maggie Kuhn is, "Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind--even if your voice shakes."

Be real. Tell the truth. Seems to me that this not only goes for us, but for our food as well.

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